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— Galicia participates in the meeting of the Atlantic Arc Commission in which the Sines Declaration was approved, which seeks to achieve a more prosperous Atlantic Arc.
— The Sines Declaration identifies flagship projects to ensure an innovative, sustainable and connected Atlantic area.
Sines (Portugal), 12th April 2024. Reunited in Sines (Portugal) for the 2024 General Assembly of the CPMR Atlantic Arc Commission, Regional leaders from across the Atlantic have reaffirmed their willingness to work together for a prosperous Atlantic area, resilient to crises, embracing the green and digital transitions.
They voted the Declaration of Sines, identifying flagship projects to ensure an innovative, sustainable and connected Atlantic area. They also recalled their wish for the swift adoption of an Atlantic Macro-Regional strategy whose governance allows regions to fully participate.
Nuno Mascarenhas, President of Sines Municipality, welcomed delegates to Sines: “Sines is an outward looking city. Thanks to its world-class port, Sines is an important asset for the Portuguese economy and our internationalization. With the notable development of its Terminal and the Port Tech Cluster, we have the ambition of placing Sines as hub for new refineries, transatlantic cables, and renewable gases production. Your presence here is an important step in our cooperation for a strong Atlantic innovative ecosystem”.
The Sines Declaration
In their newly adopted Sines Declaration, members of the CPMR Atlantic Arc Commission detail their vision for Atlantic development by 2030, their ideas for emblematic projects to translate this vision into concrete actions, messages to adapt the next EU legislative processes to this vision, and proposals of governance mechanisms for the Atlantic Maritime Strategy to evolve towards an Atlantic Macro-region.
António Ceia da Silva, President of CCDR Alentejo I.P. said: “Sines is meeting point between Portugal’s glorious maritime past and the future of the Atlantic region. I recognise the importance of the Atlantic Arc where the sea unites us and our differences enrich us. The Atlantic Macro-Region is not only a strategic vision but also an overriding need to respond to challenges with coordinated actions!”.
“At your last General Assembly in Cardiff, you clearly set the challenges that the Atlantic is facing. I agree with your analysis and the need to strengthen means of cooperation in the Atlantic Arc (…) I appreciate the logic behind the creation of an Atlantic Macro-Region”, said Commissioner Elisa Ferreira.
Galicia was one of the regions that took part in the assembly and voted for the Declaration of Sines
María Ángeles Elorza Zubiria, Secretary General for the EU of the Basque Government, on behalf of the Presidency of the Atlantic Arc Commission, expressed her warm gratitude to all the participants and for these years of cooperation during the Basque Presidency. Reacting to the words of Commissioner Ferreira, she recalled “we have all worked a lot in raising awareness on the potential of the Atlantic Macro-Region for our territories. We are living in times of upheaval and uncertainty. Ensuring a strong governance with the full and direct participation of regions and civil society is key to muscle our cooperation.”
The Atlantic Arc Commission took also the occasion to debate more in depth on opportunities on pathways for the greening of the Atlantic fleet and ports with MEP Pimenta Lopes and co-create a common vision for the creation of an Atlantic Innovation Valley with Ms Novikova, Deputy Head of Unit at DG Research and Innovation, European Commission.
More info: Atlantic Arc Commission