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Xunta de Galicia and the European Commission address Spain’s economic recovery
In the eighth meeting of the Fundación Galicia Europa’s “FGE | Next Generation Galicia” cycle, a large representation of Xunta was able to discuss and exchange ideas on the objectives and implementation of the Spanish recovery plan, through which 69.5 billion euros will be invested to advance towards a green, digital, inclusive Spain with greater social and territorial cohesion.
Brussels, October 28th, 2021. This morning, Xunta de Galicia and the European Commission met in the “FGE | Next Generation Galicia” virtual meeting cycle to discuss the implementation and the recovery process of the Spanish economy after the pandemic.
During the meeting, which was moderated by the director of the Fundación Galicia Europa office, Ana Ramos, a large representation of the Xunta was able to deepen the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism by María José Doval, the deputy head of unit in the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission. The specific objectives to be pursued by the measures to transform the Spanish economic and social fabric included in the National Recovery Plan “España puede” were also discussed in depth.
The plan, approved by the Commission last June, will channel 69.5 billion euros to repair the damage caused by the COVID-19 crisis and, through reforms and investments, build a more sustainable future. Spain is the first net recipient of these funds, of which €9 billion was already transferred in August as pre-financing.
While awaiting the distribution criteria to be applied by the central government, the Xunta explained to the European Commission the work it has been carrying out over the last year in the framework of the “Next Generation Galicia” commission, through which it has already identified more than 300 projects, worth almost 20 billion euros, which are eligible for financing from the European recovery funds to transform the Galician economy, increase its competitiveness, promote new value chains and foster quality employment.