Horizon Europe

Support for all forms of research and innovation.

Horizon Europe


From xxx to xxx

Type of program

Research and innovation

Management organization

Organization name

Legal foundation

Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Regulations (EU) No 2328/2003, (EC) No 861 / 2006, (EC) No 198/2006 and 791/2007 of the Council and Regulation (EU) No 1255/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Multiregional Operational Program of the FEMP.


Beneficiaries of the fund will benefit from the EU’s extractive and aquaculture sector, fisheries-dependent communities, the processing sector, the research sector, public administrations and bodies, consumers, third countries, NGOs and civil society.


  • Assist fishermen in the transition to more sustainable fishing, as well as promote an innovative, competitive and knowledge-based fishing industry;
  • Help coastal communities diversify their economies;
  • Fund projects to create jobs and improve the quality of life of seafarers on European shores;
  • Encourage the implementation of the new Common Fisheries Policy.
  • Foster a balanced and inclusive territorial development of fishing and aquaculture areas;
  • Ensure a stable, affordable and quality supply of seafood for the consumer.


The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund will have 6.4 billion euros for the financial period 2014 and 2020.

In particular, the FEMP will allocate some 4,340 million for the sustainable development of fisheries, as well as 580 million for control measures and 192 million to compensate the outermost regions. Another 520 million euros will be used to finance data collection, 45 million will be used for storage aid and about 645 million for direct management. It was also agreed to allocate about 71 million for the Integrated Maritime Policy.

Given the importance of the sector in Spain, it receives 1,161 million euros from the FEMP. The distribution of these funds is made through the Multiregional Operational Program which is in the process of being drawn up.

Areas of action

The FEMP supports different actions that should be highlighted:

  • The FEMP supports different actions that should be highlighted:
  • Business, business and environmental sustainability advisory services;
  • Creation of networks to promote the transfer of knowledge between researchers and fishermen;
  • Fostering human capital and social dialogue;
  • Promoting economic diversification and new forms of income creation through the development of complementary activities, such as investments in sport fishing tourism, restaurants or educational activities in the field of fishing;
  • Innovation related to the conservation of marine biological resources;
  • Protection and recovery of biodiversity and marine ecosystems in the framework of sustainable fishing activities;
  • Climate change mitigation;
  • Limiting the impact of fishing on the marine environment and adapting fisheries for the protection of species;
  • Sustainable development of fishing and aquaculture areas;
  • Measures related to marketing and processing.


The program is managed jointly by the European Commission and the Member States. At the regional level, the Department of the Sea of the Xunta de Galicia is in charge of its management. For the purposes of the operational program, which is national in nature, Member States shall designate the following authorities: the managing authority, the paying agency, the certification body.

Member States shall require entities applying for aid under the EMFF to submit a signed declaration to the managing authority confirming that they comply with the criteria listed in the EMFF Regulation and that they have not committed any irregularities under the EFF or the EMFF.


Consellería de Medio Rural e do Mar
Administrative Buildings – San Caetano, s / n
15704. Santiago de Compostela

981 54 40 38 – 981 54 40 19
