Through this award, the European Committee of the Regions recognised Galicia’s commitment to the generation of wealth and employment to fix the population in rural areas.
Home »Galicia claims the role of the regions in the European strategy for international cooperation
The Director General of External Relations and EU, Jesús Gamallo, participated in the eighth edition of the Cities and Regions for International Partnerships Forum
Galicia supports improvement of urban wastewater treatment at the European Committee of the Regions and calls for sufficient and sustainable financial support
The Director General took part in the discussion on the Multiannual Financial Framework and the industrial plan of the Green Pact
Galicia apoia o paquete de axuda a Ucraína debatida na comisión Civex do Comité Europeo das Rexións
O novo plan de axudas aprobado pola comisión Civex enfócase na axuda á infancia ucraína no verán mediante campamentos
Galicia presents its views on the future of fisheries to the European Commission, other regions and stakeholders
The Director-General defended the report’s objectives, such as the sustainability of the sector and the revitalisation of coastal communities
Galicia presents the first outlines of the European opinion on the future of fisheries
Galicia leads the reaction of European regions to the European Commission measures on fisheries and the EU green transition
The Government of Galicia defends territorial cohesion with an eye on the next EU budget review at the Committee of the Regions plenary session
The Galician government provided input to two opinions on the EU’s multiannual financial framework and the sustainability of the food system
The Xunta de Galicia debates at the European Committee of the Regions on the impact of disinformation on democracy
The director general participated together with regional and local institutions, experts, diplomats and senior NATO and US officials
Galicia will be the rapporteur Region for the response of the European Committee of the Regions to the measures on the future of fisheries announced by the European Commission
The Director General for External and EU Relations, Jesús Gamallo, will be the rapporteur for the opinion on the sustainability and resilience of coastal communities in the European Union
Galicia analyses in the European Committee of the Regions the agreements derived from Brexit and its impact on the European population
The Director General of External Relations and EU Relations participates in the contact group of the European Committee of the Regions and the United Kingdom.