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The Xunta addresses in Brussels the situation of the funds of the recovery mechanism and the strategic plan of Galicia 2030
— The Regional Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Miguel Corgos, held several meetings with representatives of the European Commission
— In these meetings he explained what Galicia is doing with all the European resources available so far.
Brussels, June 12th 2023. The Regional Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Miguel Corgos addressed this week in Brussels the situation of the funds of the Mechanism for Recovery and Resilience (MRR) and the Strategic Plan of Galicia 2030. The Regional Minister was assisted by Fundación Galicia Europa, the representation of the Xunta de Galicia before the European Union.
In this framework, the head of the regional Treasury met on Monday with Normunds Popens, deputy director general of the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission; with María Teresa Fábregas Fernández, director for Spain of the European Commission’s “Recovery and Resilience” Working Group; and with Alejandro Blanco, advisor to the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU. On Tuesday, Miguel Corgos met with María Iglesia, Head of Unit for Spain and Director for Working Conditions and Social Dialogue of the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission.
This institutional visit had a double objective: on the one hand, to have first hand information and, on the other hand, to inform the European authorities about what is being done in Galicia with the resources coming from the RRM, as well as to discuss the existing possibilities to mobilize them.
- O conselleiro de Facenda e Administración Pública, Miguel Corgos
Recovery and Resilience Mechanism
As for the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, the resources allocated to Galicia amount to 1,375 million euros, although for the moment the Community has only received 1,193 million euros.
The Xunta has mobilized practically all the funds received and, in this sense, the execution of the resources of the RRM has already benefited 33,000 Galicians, more than 7,200 self-employed and more than 3,200 entities.
In addition, in the first five months of 2023, the Galician Government awarded 67% of the 527 million euros of the MRR funds foreseen in the initial budget for this year, that is, about 354 million euros.
The Regional Minister took advantage of his visit to convey to the European Commission the Xunta’s concern and doubts about the recent approval by the central government of the agenda of the Recovery Plan.
Galicia Strategic Plan 2022- 2030
On the other hand, the Regional Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Miguel Corgos, also presented at the office of the Galicia Europa Foundation the Strategic Plan of Galicia (PEG) 2022-2030. A roadmap for this decade with which to continue strengthening the economy of Galicia, its business fabric and public services, in addition to favoring the green and digital transitions, without leaving behind social protection for the most needy sectors and a reinforcement of the Welfare State.
More about: Xunta de Galicia